Emergent Studies Institute

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Fall 2016

Course Catalog Fall 2016

Please see our list of courses from these amazing instructors.


What would our world continue to be like if we did not seek to change perceptions, shift physical reality through sustainable living, and embrace connective spiritual growth? How do you want to make a change in the world?

Emergent Studies Institute believes in supporting both technological innovation and our spiritual connection to each other and the Earth. Technology gives us the ability to connect around the world in seconds, and with it the knowledge needed to bring about sustainable change on a global level. Connecting with Mother Earth… Getting in touch with ourselves with nature… Those are things that build inner growth and a sustained spiritual life. All necessary to step into a new paradigm.

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to speak with our Emergent Education Team

General Class Information:

  • We encourage our community of students and faculty to work collaboratively, forging bonds and building bridges of global stewardship by directly applying their knowledge and course material to real-world situations.
  • Classroom ratios are typically one instructor per fifteen students, which gives our students a more in-depth and personal experience with their instructor and classmates.
  • All courses are taught completely online through our learning platform.  On-the-ground courses are taught during On-the-Ground Intensives .
  • All instructors use Google Hangout for video group discussions at least once a week.  Students may schedule one-on-one chats using Skype, Google Hangout or Zoom with classmates, instructors, or administrators.
  • Students are expected to connect with instructors and each other at least once a week on the online learning platform, where they will submit any assignments and receive their grades.
  • Please refer to the Student Handbook for a detailed look at the Student Experience at ESI.

Spirit Emerging, Wisdom Unfolding


  • ENR – Enrichment
  • GEN — General Requirement (certificate programs)

For more information about Faculty Members please visit our, Meet the Faculty page.

For information about Tuition please visit, Tuition Schedule.


General Coursework

GEN 100

Title: Intro to Emergent Studies: A Taste of Emergence with ESI Faculty & Founding Mother

Instructors: Suzy Adra, Ph.D., Amber R. Balk, Ph.D., Martha Brumbaugh, Ph.D., & Lisa Evert-Raeyne, MATP


We are proud and excited to offer a three-week introduction to Emergent Studies!  This experiential online course, although a short session, will provide an in-depth opportunity to learn about and engage in Emergent Creativity, Emergent Spirituality, and Emergent Activism (or as some call it, social justice/social change). Different faculty members will meet each week using Google Classroom and Google Hangout for video chats to connect as a community and learn, explore, and grow in these focus areas.

The concept of Emergence is important to us and is dependent upon each group member’s willingness to share passion, inquiry, and information.  We actively engage in circle leadership and hold space for each person to share their voice and be witnessed.

Week one focuses on emergent creativity with powerful exercises to activate your creative fire. The second week dives deeply into emergent spirituality and explores potent ways to infuse spirituality into daily living. The third week draws on the foundation of creativity and spirituality, calling on deep inner connection from which to then reach outward to the world at large in order to make waves and create sustainable changes.

This creatively co-taught course features ESI’s diverse faculty and highlights the core elements of ESI’s heart and soul. Join us for three weeks of emergent bliss!

 Enrichment Coursework

ENR 115

Title: Community Dreamwork: Access the Power of Your Dreams

Instructors: Amber R. Balk, Ph.D.

Dreams are often discounted and dismissed as meaningless– NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Reclaim the wisdom of your dreams with our online course in Community Dreamwork!

Community dreamwork is an easy way to experience an expanded sense of self & community. Access a felt-sense of the living world psyche as it works its way through you, and utilize the vital support that dreams can offer in personal and transpersonal ways. New AND seasoned dreamworkers are welcome!

Join us for this 6-week online course, where we will explore the basics of group dreamwork, projective dreamwork theory, and dreamwork practice. Class will meet twice a week, with an emphasis on experiential learning through group dreamwork. We’ll provide optional reading material and a safe, supportive environment to open up to a whole new world of dream experiences and understanding!

In this course, you can expect to enhance dream recall, share individual dreams, work classmates’ dreams in group sessions, and explore various approaches and theories of dreamwork.

Community Dreamwork Syllabus



ENR 116

Title: Creativity and the Womb

Instructor: Suzy Adra, Ph.D.

The womb space is the energetic center of creative power, which both males and females hold within their physical bodies. In this online course, we will explore our connection or disconnection to that area in the body and how we can connect to our own inherent creativity. Daily exercises in yoga, embodiment, meditation, and art will be the means by which each student will connect to the hara, or the solar plexus chakra center and clear out any stagnation.

By healing, sanctifying, and purifying the womb, students will learn to access that powerful space as a key to creative ability.


Creativity & the Womb Syllabus


ENR 117

Title: Healing the Human-Animal Bond

Instructor: Jere Alexander J.D., MA

How can we heal our relationships with animals in the 21st century?  In this online course, we will explore myriad human-animal relationships.  We will pay particular attention to how humans and animals have shaped each other.

By welcoming all views, we will hold a unique space for sharing openly with each other, and create a constructive discourse among those of us with varied experiences and ideologies.  This course will thereby model our love for all animals (human and other) and enact our desire to make the Earth a safe home for all.




ENR 118

Title: Myth, Genius, and Social Change

Instructor: Vincent E. Brown, MA

This online personal enrichment course will be a collaborative exploration into the use of myth, story, and self-inquiry as tools for personal growth and social change. The course is offered in two sections: (1) reading and dialogue about the cultural myth that each person is born with specific gifts that make them unique, contrasted to the modern concept of each person being born as a blank slate, or tabula rasa, ready for cultural instruction and training, and (2) reading and dialogue regarding the current state of global affairs, how these conditions affect us, and how mythic-imagination can benefit both the person and society.




ENR 119

Title: Personal Ecology: The Art and Science of Advanced Self Care

Instructor: Patricia Gailey, Ph.D., OTR/L

This online course explores the Personal Ecology blend of deep ecology, occupational science, and spiritual principles through short presentations, readings, and examples.  Participants will apply the lens to their own life patterns and processes and will construct a sustainable path for moving forward in their respective lives.  The second half of the course will emerge according to participant’s desired pathways.  Possible avenues for exploration include navigating a path of integrated self/healthcare approaches; deepening understanding of relationships, community, and boundaries; the perception/expression dynamic and creating our world; the development of new dimensions of experience, and the integration of personal spiritual ideology into daily affairs.




ENR 121

Title: Walking between the Worlds

Instructor: Martha Brumbaugh, Ph.D.

In this course, we will delve into an exploration of the space between the worlds of the shaman.  This online course is designed to traverse the landscape of non-rational reality.  Together we will engage in shamanic journeywork, visualizations, and dreaming with the intention of opening up new ways of being in the world(s) and shifting our perceptions of reality.  We will share our experiences through story-telling, reflections, as well as poetry, music, and art.







Note to Students: Our courses are designed to be highly experiential so that each student has a unique experience that is all their own. We always encourage fully participating and sharing with your group, however with respect we honor each students’ comfort zone and pathway towards self-discovery so that each student shares whatever they are comfortable with.




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