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Council of Sages

SEDONA, AR - FEBRUARY 06: An scenic view of the mountain formation known as the twin sisters as photographed on February 6,2011 in Sedona, Arizona. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

SEDONA, AR – FEBRUARY 06: An scenic view of the mountain formation known as the twin sisters as photographed on February 6,2011 in Sedona, Arizona. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

“A hero is born among a hundred,

a wise man is found among a thousand,

but an accomplished one might not be found

even among a hundred thousand men.” – Plato

At ESI we believe in the invaluable advice from our peers and leaders in the community. While these wonderful folks cannot always join us for all meetings, events, or classes, they are here with us in spirit and as close as a phone call or email away…

 Dr. Regina U. Hess, PhD regina-portrait-Feb2014-for web

Regina was born and brought up in South Germany. Since her teens she has travelled the world studying diverse cultures and spiritual traditions, with a focus on traditional healing and shamanic practices. She has worked in India, Nepal, the U.S., the UK, and Africa, and currently lives in Cologne, Germany. Regina feels herself to be a citizen of the world.

Her professional background includes being a clinical psychologist (University of Heidelberg, Germany), a body psychotherapist and creative therapist, and transpersonal psychotherapist with an emphasis on work around individual and collective/transgenerational trauma. Regina is also an independent researcher. Abroad, she was awarded a joint Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, CA, U.S.) and in embodied phenomenology (Center for Qualitative Research, Bournemouth University, UK). Her professional positions and honorary involvements are diverse. She maintains a private practice for inclusive psychology in Cologne and a global practice online, serves as faculty at international transpersonal educational institutes, and works on independent research projects.

Regina is on the Board of Directors of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), co-founded the EUROTAS Division of Transpersonal Research and Disaster/Trauma Task Force. She is EUROTAS Supervisor for Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Further activities include the bridging of research with art, music, and film, co-founding the Arts & Sciences Researcher Forum, Cambridge University, UK, and serving as head of peer reviewers for the Integral Transpersonal Journal (ITJ). Regina is an international author and speaker.

For more information, please visit:

Dr. Regina Hess,  Official Website

Dr. Regina Hess, Facebook

Dr. Regina Hess, Academia.edu 

EUROTAS, European Transpesonal Association

International Institute for Consciousness Exploration and Psychotherapy, Official Webpage 

Arts and Sciences Researcher Forum, Facebook




Dr. Robert Forman, PhD 


Dr. Robert K.C. Forman has been called “one of America’s most respected spiritual teachers.” He is the author of the recently released, award-winning Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be, which is both a memoir of his own breakthrough to what’s called “spiritual enlightenment” and a re-imagination of the spiritual life as the transformation of a whole life, including relationships.

Growing out of those insights, he and his colleagues developed the SoulJazz Program: Bringing Soul to Everyday Life and Relationships, which helps participants develop more connection, intimacy, and love in their lives and relationships. He continues to help many spiritual counseling clients in their own journey towards love, honesty, and engaging the messiness of everyday life with authenticity and depth.

A Ph.D in Religion from Columbia University and a tenured professor, Dr. Forman recently received an Honorary Doctorate from Lund University, Sweden. He’s been married to Yvonne for 38 years and is the father of two, grandfather of two, an interfaith minister, avid motorcyclist, and is a lead in a professional Blues Combo.

For more information, please visit:


Mari Dreamwalker, M.A., M.F.A. Mari Dreamwalker

I am a fourth generation Curandera (Mexican Native-American traditional healer). I was initiated at birth by Tlazoteotl/La Llorona and Tonanzin, and have continued to receive instruction throughout my life from my Parents, Ancestors, Guides, and Angels. I am a survivor of early childhood sexual trauma and help other survivors to understand their wounding, uncover their healing gifts and wisdom. I am a Reiki Master-Teacher (over 20 years), Angelic Channel, Spirit Medium, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Artist, and Singer-Songwriter. I hold an M.A. in Women’s Spirituality and an M.F.A in Creative Healing Arts from New College of California. As a Spirit medium, I specialize in helping individuals and families to communicate with loved ones who have crossed-over and assist the souls of those who have passed to cross over in peace. I also work with disruptive energies/spirits who may be haunting a dwelling or an individual. This includes compassionate de-possession work.  Since 2004, I have been facilitating workshops and trainings with teenage girls in Oakland, Berkeley, and Denver.

I am currently developing The Cura Project, (a program of the Dreamwalker Foundation for Soul Restoration and Spiritual Growth) which uses indigenous wisdom to heal the heart of trauma for individuals and communities. My current work focuses on teaching the sacred healing arts of La Curandera to teenage girls and their families in Oakland, enabling to heal internalized misogyny and the trauma due to sexual and community violence. They learn to activate their indigenous wisdom and find creative and peaceful ways of expressing being.

For more information, please visit:

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